

The fund provides financial assistance to students from underprivileged backgrounds, helping them to attend school or college and pursue their dreams. The fund is a valuable resource for students who would not otherwise be able to afford a college education.

KAF Medicare fund

The fund provides financial assistance to persons from underprivileged backgrounds who fall ill with non life or life threatening diseases, who other wise wouldn’t be able to afford costly treatments. In addition to the above Kaf maintains relationships with medical institutions and other philanthropic entities to collaborate in raising the required funds for specific treatments

Ration Support

The Khatija Adamjee Foundation (KAF) has extended a helping hand to individuals from underprivileged backgrounds by offering essential ration support. By providing much-needed ration assistance, KAF is not only addressing immediate needs but also demonstrating a genuine concern for the well-being of those who are less fortunate. In times of economic challenges, this support can be a lifeline, ensuring that families have access to basic necessities. The foundation’s dedication to making a positive difference in the lives of vulnerable individuals showcases their compassion and empathy.